Let’s face it. Pool ownership is not always as we envision it to be. The chemicals alone are a handful and if not handled properly can even be dangerous. A professional service like Clear Katy Pools in Tomball, TX can help with the adding, testing, and balancing of chemicals in addition to pool cleaning, repair, maintenance, and restoration services.
Selecting a Harris County Family Owned and Operated Pool Company
Pool owners who search for pool servicing near me in the Tomball, TX area, will appreciate a company like Clear Katy Poolsthat is not only family-owned and operated but also treats each client like family.
The professionals at Clear Katy Poolstreat each pool like it’s in their own backyard. These fully insured experts provide a full range of pool services to ensure that each pool they service is a clean and healthy water-filled vision of beauty that is ready for enjoyment. The team also performs certified pool inspections for those considering a home purchase that includes a pool.
Skip the Guesswork and Leave the Pool Chemicals to Trained Experts
The chemistry of your pool needs to be monitored throughout the pool swim season. To ensure that your pool is safe and ready for swimming includes the water being properly tested and balanced. Sometimes, a pool even needs to be shocked. If your pool’s chemistry is not balanced correctly, there could be health consequences.
Clear Katy Pools experts are pool chemical specialists that make easy work out of balancing the chemicals. Chemical services include testing water chemistry, balancing chemicals, emptying the skimmer and pump baskets, performing a visual inspection and brushing the pool.
Pool Repairs Should Be Performed ASAP By Extensively Trained Pool Repair Techs
When you see your pool equipment leaking, it’s time to call for service. A small leak will only get worse and a minor repair will most likely become a costly major repair. The same goes for circulation in the pool. When you notice that the water is not circulating as usual and a filter cleaning did not remedy the problem, seek professional help.
The Clear Katy Pools team is standing by to offer reliable pool repairs to all parts of pool equipment including pool motors, heaters, pumps, plumbing, lights, and more. If replacement parts are necessary, these professionals will use original equipment manufacturer replacement parts. Even better, Clear Katy Pools installs those parts at a significantly lower cost than offered by their competitors. Should your pool require any electrical repairs, Clear Katy Pools is a fully insured team of highly trained and qualified pool techs.
Professionals Can Remove Stubborn Stains From a Pool Surface
You scrubbed and scrubbed but your pool walls still look old and worn. When you call in professional pool servicing near me in Tomball, TX, the team can perform an acid wash. What is an acid wash? An acid wash begins with the draining of pool water. Then, a diluted acid solution will be poured over the entire surface of the pool. The acid will remove a thin layer of plaster and the majority of the visible discoloration and staining will be gone. The acid wash process is a cost-effective way to restore a pool’s beauty, taking only one day to complete.
Clearing Up a Swimming Pool of Green Water
You are staring at your pool water. The water is green again. You tried shocking it numerous times. You cleaned and replaced the filter. Your next thought is to drain it. Before you take the drastic measure of pool water draining, call in a professional pool cleaning company like Clear Katy Pools. The team will typically test the Ph Levels and shock your pool to super chlorinate the water. The team will also check the filter and evaluate that the system is working properly. It’s best to let the experts make a treatment plan whether that entails the use of chemicals or in a severe case, draining the pool and adding fresh water.
Calcium Stain Removals Can Help Make Pool Surfaces Look New Again
When you’ve tried everything to get your pool surface to look more presentable but to no avail, call in a professional. Sometimes it takes professional pool service equipment to blast off the dirt from the pool’s surface and tile with heavy-duty pressure washing. This process makes quick work out of removing calcium. Consistent and proper pool maintenance is the recommended way to avoid calcium from building up. Expert pool cleaning by Clear Katy Pools can help with maintaining the condition of the pool tiles and surface. In addition to performing acid washes, tile cleaning, and pressure washing, Clear Katy Pools also handles the drain and clean process, stone sealing, and more.
Beware of Pool Companies in Harris County That Require Pool Cleaning Contracts
How can a pool owner sign a contract with a potential pool cleaning company if no services have been provided yet? In other words, if the pool owner is not satisfied with the service, a signed contract does not allow the customer to cancel. You are stuck with the unsatisfactory pool cleaning service until the contract runs out.
Clear Katy Pools does not require a long-term pool cleaning contract so a pool owner can simply cancel service at any time. Even their outstanding full-service pool cleaning and maintenance plans have no contract associated with the services. Clear Katy Pools will see to it that each client is happy with service that can include the weekly balancing of pool chemicals in addition to debris being removed from the pool water.
There’s More to Pool Care Than Skimming Debris. Hire Clear Katy Pools Today.
When you are searching for pool servicing near me in Tomball, TX, let Clear Katy Pools assist you with your pool cleaning, repair or balancing your pool chemistry. Call the Clear Katy Pools professionals at 713-855-7440 or visit https://www.clearkatypools.com/ today.
Schedule a free consultation to learn more about pool cleaning Tomball and service plans that match your pool needs. Clear Katy Pools wants your pool to be sparkling clean and always ready for family swimming time in Harris County.
Is your pool the backyard paradise that you expected when you bought a house with a pool or when you installed a brand new pool? If not, don’t waste another day staring at a leaf and insect-filled pool or green pool water. Instead, call in Harris County pool experts.
Pool Services in Tomball, TX are More Than Just For Cleaning
Tomball is a city in Harris County in the U.S. state of Texas, a part of the Houston metropolitan area. The population was 10,753 at the 2010 U.S. census and 11,778 in 2019. In 1907, the community of Peck was renamed Tomball for local congressman Thomas Henry Ball, who had a major role in the development of the Port of Houston.
Settlement began in the Tomball area in the early 19th century, where settlers found an open, fertile land that received adequate rainfall—perfect conditions for farming and raising cattle. It was on a land granted in 1838 to William Hurd’s heirs. In 1906 the area began to boom. Railroad line engineers often noticed that the Tomball area was on the boundary between the low hills of Texas and the flat coastal plains of the Gulf, making it an ideal location for a train stop. The railroad could load more cargo on each car, because the topography gently sloped toward the Galveston ports and provided an easier downhill coast. Thomas Henry Ball, an attorney for the Trinity and Brazos Valley Railroad, convinced the railroad to run the line right through downtown Tomball. Soon after, people came in droves to this new train stop. Hotels, boarding houses, saloons, and mercantile stores all began to spring up in the area. At first, people called the area Peck, after a chief civil engineer of the railroad line. However, on December 2, 1907, the town was officially named Tom Ball, later to be shortened to one word, for Mr. Ball.
Geophysical prospecting predicted the discovery of the Tomball Oil Field before the discovery well was drilled on 27 May 1933. Production was from the Cockfield Formation at a depth of about 5,000 feet (1,500 m). The discovery produced an oil boom with many oil companies subsequently showing interest in the area. By 1935, 2,750,000 barrels of oil had been produced from 200 wells. Humble Oil Company, struck a deal with the town through which they would provide water and natural gas free of charge to the residents in exchange for rights to drill on the land. This agreement lasted until 1988.
Tomball incorporated in 1933. Because of the 1933 incorporation, Houston did not incorporate Tomball’s territory into its city limits.
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